Motorcycle Accident Help
For almost 12 years, BikerDown has been serving and supporting bikers/motorcycle riders in our community and nationwide by providing support to injured riders and their families. Using the collective power of our tight-knit community, our organization helps riders and their families get through potentially devastating times by providing emotional support, financial strategies, financial assistance, medical equipment, and other services as needed.
Motorcycle riders have huge hearts and we are constantly doing fundraising rides for each other to help with medical expenses. BikerDown maximizes the impact of our collective power to help our own.
BikerDown was founded in 2011 by avid motorcycle rider Laurie Montoya who was on a ride when several bikers went down. In 2021, BikerDown Foundation added an additional chapter in Florida, giving us 4 fully functional chapters Arizona (Phoenix), National – Denver Colorado, and Nevada (Las Vegas). We also have chapters and resources in Illinois, New York, and Kentucky
She knew that riders were constantly attending and helping with fundraisers for fallen riders but there was no organization dedicated to helping these bikers get through the tough times. So, in true grit fashion, she started one herself.
We are a nonprofit organization and we rely on volunteers, sponsors and members to sustain our mission. We need your participation and support! Find out what membership can do for you!
Biker Organization
BikerDown is one of a few true motorcycle-related bikers organizations. 90% of all fundraisers, rallies, or events are focused on charities outside of the biker community. When an injured rider goes down on any type of ride, BikerDown is there to help that injured rider with recovery. We help with financial strategy and a variety of other resources. We are different than other injury non-profits as we help with fundraising, not thru poker runs, but resources to really help you raise funds.
The biggest plea BikerDown makes to prospective members is to get the right insurance. One of the first problems an injured motorcycle rider or their family realizes after an accident or crash is JUST HOW INSURED THEY TRULY ARE. Their families are shell-shocked that the faith they put in their insurance company to cover them only covers the bike or covers only if they hit someone. We have a TEAM of genuine motorcycle attorneys and even our staff at BikerDown that will help you look at your policy and suggest what you SHOULD HAVE. Please email us or fill out this form by clicking here, and let us guide you to genuinely being covered.
We bikers have a culture of ‘It’s not going to happen to me.’ Riders don’t want anyone to be a “Debbie Downer” or feel they are being jinxed by talking about accidents. But accidents happen, and the best thing riders can do – for themselves and their families – is to be proactive and have the right insurance. The right insurance means you don’t have to worry if your accident is caused by a hit or run or if an offending auto driver has enough insurance. CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE INSURANCE REVIEW TODAY.
Supports Bikers
BikerDown supports bikers with resources not easily found when you are recovering including medical equipment and financial strategy and fundraising through our BDFundme fundraising platform. We also support the biker community through our charitable giving thru several programs, 2Wheels4Meals, FacesBehindTheHelmets, and our Adopt-A-Family for the Holidays.