Bike Raffle Starts May 2019
Wide Open Saloon is a new restaurant coming to Sedalia that will be opening this summer, but that isn’t stopping Wide Open Saloon from helping the motorcycle community in a charitable way, long before they are even open.
Wide Open Saloon has chosen BikerDown Foundation as their charity of choice for a bike raffle starting in May of 2019 and tickets will be available thru their website and at events that Wide Open and BikerDown attend including bike nights and other rides. They will be raffling off a pristine 2017 Harley-Davidson Road Glide that will sure to be hit will Harley riders.
Todd Hills and daughter Morgan Hills began vetting charities for this raffle in January 2019 and sat down with BikerDown Foundation founder Laurie Montoya and finalized the agreement late February of 2019.
Wide Open Saloon is doing a complete remodel of the Sedalia Bar & Grill and will have a new fresh look and modernization to the place and will surely be a necessary stop when out riding. You may remember Todd, he owned Top Gun Motorsports in Denver in 2008. Top Gun had the original bike night on Wednesday’s with 100s of people in attendance every week.
Tickets for the raffle will be $20.00 a piece and you also do not need to be present to win, so this is a great opportunity for all riders to be a part of this raffle for a good cause. The finale to win the bike will be on October 26, 2019 at Wide Open’s Halloween party.
About BikerDown
For 10 years, BikerDown has been serving our motorcycle community by providing support to injured riders and their families. Using the collective power of our tight-knit community, our organization helps riders and their families get through potentially devastating times by providing emotional support, financial assistance, medical equipment and other services as needed.
Motorcycle riders have huge hearts and we are constantly doing fundraising rides for each other to help with medical expenses. BikerDown maximizes the impact of our collective power to help our own.
BikerDown was founded in 2011 by biker Laurie Easton-Montoya who was on a ride when several bikers went down. In 2018, BikerDown Foundation launched 2 additional chapters in Nevada (Las Vegas) and Arizona (Phoenix). BikerDown is now on a more National platform, helping injured riders all over the country with hands on services and referrals that will help keep the injured rider going while recovering.“We had 12 bikes on the road and none of us had a first aid kit. Our cell phones didn’t work and even if they had, I realized that I didn’t know which family members these riders would want me to call. And some of the riders didn’t have any insurance! It was crazy!”
She knew that riders were constantly attending and helping with fundraisers for fallen riders but there was no organization dedicated to helping these bikers get through the tough times. So, in true grit fashion, she started one herself.
We are a nonprofit organization and we rely on volunteers, sponsors and members to sustain our mission. We need your participation and support! Find out what membership can do for you!