BikerDown National entered Florida in the Fall of 2021 with the sole MISSION to help injured riders and launched BikerDown Florida. Today, we are proud to announce a partnership with 2 amazing charities also located in Florida with the same goal, which is HELPING BIKERS BETTER! The 2 charities that BikerDown Florida will be working with are:

The Floyd Laycock Foundation – Bradenton, Florida
The Jesse Yeomans Foundation for Fallen Bikers – Naples Florida
What does this mean for Florida Riders?
- Who do I call? You don’t have to worry about who to contact, all 3 charities will work together to provide resources, financial strategy, fundraising, medical equipment, and assistance in the event of a biker fatality. If you reach out to 1 charity, you will have the help from all 3 charities.
- What services will they provide? It means that these 2 charities will have the backing of BikerDown Florida and the 12 years of experience helping injured riders nationwide to provide emotional assistance and survival skills that a family needs when a loved one is injured.
- Fundraising – all 3 charities will offer our injured riders the BDFundme fundraising platform so that a family needing fundraising will be charged ZERO % of credit card processing. We will work together to help families with their own fundraisers and give them assistance where needed most.
- Help or Support Requests – all 3 charities will use the same platform for assistance requests to ensure that your help/support requests are answered promptly and with experienced biker advocates ready to help you navigate recovery.
- Motorcycle Awareness – it is the goal of all of us to do whatever we can to PREVENT motorcycle accidents thru a strong campaign of motorcycle awareness, safety classes, Accident Scene Management trauma classes, Watch for Motorcycles, and Motorcycle Awareness Begins campaigns and much much more!
- Special Events – Our organizations will help you with living will documents, Insurance reviews and other necessary motorcycle safety needs, we will host special events where you can come meet us, ask questions and make sure you are enjoying the Freedom of the Ride, but know that you are safer because you have more knowledge.
There were 5,000 accidents and 500 fatalities in 2020 in the state of Florida, and no 1 charity can handle those epidemic numbers, but this partnership will help us network together to Help Bikers Better.

This is a team effort, but we couldn’t do it without the support of our sponsor TwoWheelAttorneys.com We also want to Thank Matt Powell from Two-Wheel Attorney’s office out of Tampa Florida for supporting this endeavor and supplying us with the resources we need to make this MISSION a SUCCESS.
We will continue to update our websites individually and work to be fully linked in and operational by February 15th, 2022. In the interim, If you need assistance, you can contact any of our charities below
BikerDown Florida * Laurie Montoya * 720-328-9795 * www.bikerdown.org
The Floyd Laycock Foundation * Zack Jenkins * 941-284-9575 * www.theflfinc.org
Jesse Yoemans Foundation for Fallen Bikers * David Yeomans * 239-778-4793 * www.bikerdown25.com
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